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The Centennial Educational Foundation offers scholarships to

Centennial High School and Centennial Park School graduating seniors.




Larry Kato Memorial Scholarship:   $2,000.00

This scholarship is in memory of Larry Kato, a longtime member of the Centennial Educational Foundation who was passionate

about the success of all students.


Ron Pennington Memorial Scholarship:  $2,000.00

This scholarship is for students who have contributed significant amounts of time to community involvement and volunteer activity. It is offered in remembrance of Ron Pennington, co-founder of the Centennial Educational Foundation and exceptional Centennial School District volunteer.


Earl Blumenauer Leadership in Education Scholarship: $2,000.00

Applicants for this scholarship must show commitment to their education, demonstrate outstanding leadership skills and show a passion for making a difference in their school and community. The scholarship is funded by Centennial graduate and current Congressman, Earl Blumenauer and the Foundation. Blumenauer has spent 40 years making a difference in Oregon with his Leadership skills and sense of community.

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